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The closer the sunset city, people feel more strange, the whole city sunset, with no movement, just like a ghost town, outside the scope of the attack, Clara Haruno sent investigative teams to get this message when the city was empty, she suspected the investigation the staff made ​​a mistake, ponder for a few minutes, the team slowly to the city kao near sunset, when babyliss perfect curl arrived under the walls, or no movement is expected in the ambush does not appear, there is only peace and doubts. Team slowly into the city, standing beside the altar town, Haruno Clara wanted Yangtianchangxiao, China, who sucks, even without a fight and fled, the city ceded babyliss perfect curl sunset, watching the siege today war people, but also a little not understand, what is to engage in, is it the place empty city, empty city may not be such a pendulum ah !


